
Kamis, 10 April 2014


For all gorgeous stars
You're really mean to me
Beautiful but deadly
Useful and greedy
But, you need to know
Here I standing in nothing
Dancing alone in the emptiness
I'm always stand for you
Behind all the bright stars
Behind all their great light
Just for them
Being eaten
But I keep silent
I'm just like shadows
To push them being bright
Stand to make peoples happy
To watch their great smiles
To make all the pains that come with darkness fade away
To give a new dawn
Even not everyone know my sacrifice
I let myself fall into a sweet surrender
But I thanks to God
Because I know it's God's way for me
He choose the best part for anything
Including me
A hopeless things, an unseen one
I'll do it all
Until the time will tell us
When to start all over again.

taken from : Here
by : Kristina Andita Kaaro