Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Becareful in YourBagage

Travelling by plane into an alternative vehicle that is safecomfortable and not complicated.
But there is one thing that usually is a bit inconvenientthe baggageor baggage is morethan 7 kg.
Actually, There is a service for your luggagebut there are also people who are reluctantto pay for extra baggage.
Hmm ... usually people like them, will not hesitate to ask for your luggage and 7 kg not to bring their goods so that there should be no additional cost.

But, don't ever help thembecause many people have been deceived and suffered in prison because of the goodness of their hearts was used for smuggling weapons or drugs.
Indeed, the faces of people such as not guiltybut they could have been a criminal.
Police would not know the reason you when they find weapons or drugs in the bag withyour nameso the police will accuse you as an interloper and hold youbecause there is no firm evidence.

So, this is only little tips that I can share to you, just be careful when you travelling alone
by :Kristina Andita Pradani

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