Senin, 10 Desember 2012


Lake is the body of freshwater in large amount that occupy a basin in the land. A pool also can be call a lake if that pool have fulfill at least three criteria:

  • Having an enough large surface to cause waves
  • Having an enough depth, so the water can have a strata of the water temperature
  • Floating vegetation is not sufficient to cover the entire surface

A lake can be made from this two things : by the nature and by human
First, about the lake that made from nature, this lake had a long formed process without human intervetion. There's 7 kind of different kinds of nature-made lake:

  1. Glacial Lake, the lake formed from the activity of erosion and sedimentation in the hillsides
  2. Volcanic Lake, after a big volcanic eruption, the volcano turned into a caldera that filled by rainwaters for a years
  3. Tectonic Lake, the lake formed by activity from tectonic plates
  4. Tecto-volcanic Lake, the lake formed by the activty from tectonic plates that cause fracture in the earth's surface and filled by rainwaters or an underground waters for a years
  5. Karst Lake, the lake formed from the dissolution of limestone that formed a dolina, if this dolina fill up by waters, so we can call it a lake, because ussually this dissolution of limestone happen in a big mass
  6. Lake Stream, the lake formed from the cuts of the meander that filled by the waters
  7. Laguna Lake, the lake formed from combination of between the wind and the waves that causes a sand levee and formed a laguna

Beside the nature-made lake, we also know that there's a human-made lake like a stank, pool, etc... that made for the benefit of humanity, some benefit from human-made lake are to prevent flooding, be a recreation place, and sometimes it can be use when the dry comes

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