Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Acid Rain, the Silent Killer

We often hear about "Acid Rain" but do you know what is the main things that causes this "Acid Rain"?
The cause is NOx and SO2 gas emissions (smoke from factories and motor vehicles) into the air can react with water vapor to form clouds and HNO3 (nitric acid) and H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) and they both a strong acid, if exposed water, the water will down the levels of pH. But this gas were spread out into the air and contaminated water in the clouds and cause Acid Rain
The effect from Acid Rain:
  • If the rain fall in the lake, river or sea, it can kill life in the water
  • Acid Rain is the main cause from dissolution of buildings
  • Disrupt the plant's production
  • If our skin had too much  contaminated by Acid Rain, it can cause the cancer
  • Poison the soil
Do all of that effect doesn't enough to make you care for this beloved earth?

by : Kristina Andita P. Kaaro

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